ChefConf 2019 CFP is Open!

The call for papers for ChefConf 2019 is now open, and we want to hear from you! ChefConf is the largest gathering of the Chef community, featuring state of the art content from teams leading the way to becoming more fast, efficient and innovative with their technical practices.

This year we’ll be in Chef’s hometown of Seattle, Washington! We’re excited to have this event in Seattle and we’re thrilled to share it with you.  Tell us your stories, share your lessons learned, lay out your best practices for forward-thinking practitioners and industry leaders from financial services, healthcare, education, transportation, entertainment and more.

Attendees at ChefConf are eager to learn from your successes, failures, and experiments. Share how you adopted new tools and ways of thinking about your goals. Tell us about your journey to be a learning organization or how your teams became more outcome oriented. What tips and tricks do you have for improving speed and quality in your projects? We’re here to learn, and everyone has something to teach!

CFP Basics:

Deadline: Extended! Monday, January 21, 2019 Friday, January 11, 2019 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.  ChefConf speakers will receive a complimentary ticket to ChefConf.

Track theme ideas:

  • Infrastructure Automation
  • Compliance Automation
  • Application Automation
  • People, Processes, and Teams
  • Cloud, Microservices, and Modern Architectures
  • Delivering Delight
  • Doing Change
  • Don’t Label Me!

Submit now!

Why Submit to ChefConf 2019?

Obviously, we love having everyone share their stories at ChefConf. ChefConf is our premier event for our Chef, InSpec, and Habitat communities to meet and share ideas. Our communities are driven by sharing stories, experiences, challenges, successes, everything in between.  The more stories our community shares, the more everyone learns.

Not sure what to submit a talk about? ChefConf 2019 is an ideal venue to highlight an awesome project your team has worked on. Our community helps put a human face on the industry buzzwords and lingo, bringing the real world into the spotlight.

Speaking at an event like ChefConf is a unique opportunity to build your brand and expand your speaker profile, and allows you to highlight your team as a great place to work for hiring managers.

Do you have an internal tool that you’re proud of and want to share? Can you open source it and share it with the ChefConf community? Find like-minded folks and maybe even some future contributors for your project with a talk at ChefConf 2019.

What’s In a Good Proposal?

Tell us a good story, but be clear about what your talk will focus on. We love a catchy title and a slick abstract, but give us the key points you’re planning to cover, why the ChefConf audience will find those points compelling, and why you’re the best person to speak on the topic.

If you’re planning to present with a demo, let us know that too! Demos are great for sharing technical ideas. Bringing a co-presenter is great too, just let us know. We can also accommodate panel discussions, but please reach out to us for those.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the ChefConf team at We’re happy to help with your submission ideas and anything else you need.

Hope to see you in Seattle!

Submit now!

Mandi Walls

Mandi is Technical Community Manager for Chef. She can be found online @LNXCHK.