Latest Stories
Chef Management Console 1.21.0 Released
Manage 1.21.0 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This release fixes a bug with password resets returning a 500 (see the issue here) that was introduced in Manage 1.19.0.
Policyfiles: A Guided Tour
If you watched the ChefConf keynote, attended last years’ community summits, or follow our open source mailing lists, you’ve probably heard about Policyfiles.
Chef and DevOps at JustGiving
JustGiving is the world’s largest fundraising platform. In the last twelve months, JustGiving has helped tens of millions of people raise over $700,000,000 dollars. This post describes how JustGiving uses Chef and DevOps to help manage its infrastructure and create a flexible, cooperative work environment.
ChefDK 0.7.0 Released
Hola Chefs! ChefDK 0.7.0 is now out and ready for consumption at our downloads page. We have numerous features, updates and bug fixes for all of you. To highlight, we have: * a new environment variable `CHEFDK_HOME` that points to cookbook and gem caches. * the latest patched SSL CA certificate bundle.
Just Arrived – Supermarket 2.0.0!
Greetings fellow Cheffians! I am happy to report that we have just released Supermarket 2.0.0! The Supermarket – both the public and private versions – continues to evolve to the needs of the Chef community. As you might guess from the major version bump, this version contains a potentially breaking change.
Supermarket & Berkshelf Outage – Incident Report
On Thursday, August 13, 2015 the Supermarket ( had a partial outage. This outage prevented Berkshelf from downloading cookbook dependencies, prevented users from logging into the Supermarket, and caused a number of AWS OpsWorks lifecycle events to fail. The outage began at 5:22AM UTC and was resolved at 11:49AM UTC.
Notes from the Lab: Community Cookbooks Survey Results
In the final post in our series on the Community Cookbooks Survey, we turn it over to Nicole to report the results. To catch up on how the project began and the science behind it, see these posts here and here.
Chef to Support IBM’s Linux on z Systems
Chef 12 Client and Server Will Integrate with Enterprise Linux on IBM’s Mainframe, Extending Companies’ Ongoing Engineering Collaboration SEATTLE – August 17, 2015 – Chef, the leader in automation for DevOps, today announced it is collaborating with IBM to deliver integration between the Chef 12 Client and Chef 12 Server and IBM’s enterprise Linux mainframe […]
Chef Management Console 1.20.1 Release
Manage 1.20.1 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This release fixes a bug where unsolvable cookbook constraints led to unlimited queries against the Chef server in an infinite loop. This would cause high CPU usage on the workstation and increased queries against the server. For full details, see the issue report here.