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Managing DevOps Teams (new rules for radical management)
Last week, Jamie Bright published the blog post, “Why DevOps is for everyone, not just a single team.
Continuous Automation: Managing Hybrid Infrastructure in a DevOps World
The increasing pace of infrastructure technology innovations–the shift to virtual, cloud, containers, and microservices–has changed the meaning of the word “hybrid”. Automation and management solutions that only address one particular infrastructure type or deployment architecture may be well-suited to practices today, but they’re likely to become opinionated relics that reflect the practices of their time.
Achieving Windows Compliance with InSpec
This blog post is a follow-up on our Windows Compliance with InSpec webinar by Joe Gardiner, Senior Solutions Architect and Christoph Hartmann, InSpec Creator that was presented live on April 11, 2017. In that webinar, we describe what Continuous Compliance is and we cover assessment with InSpec and remediation with Chef.
Why DevOps is for everyone, not just a single team
DevOps doesn’t care what industry your company operates in, what department you sit in, or what title you have. That’s because DevOps isn’t for just one industry, just one team or even just one person.
ChefConf Packathon for Play to Learn
Giving back to communities is part of Chefs culture. This year, at ChefConf, we’re giving back to the Austin community by hosting a hands-on Packathon event. Chef is excited to announce our support of Play to Learn in Austin.
Find Better Cookbooks on the Supermarket
The Chef Supermarket makes it easy to be successful with Chef through sharing the successes of a community of practitioners. Use the public Supermarket to collaborate with the community or install your own private Supermarket and collaborate with your co-workers. The Supermarket is a clearinghouse of information about tools used within the Chef ecosystem.
Container Compliance and Security: Beyond Vulnerabilities
One trend as you look at the container market is stronger emphasis on the security of containers. Most of this emphasis is in regards to shipping software with known vulnerabilities in your container images, such as software that’s distributed as part of your Operating System.
Introducing Scaffolding and Multi-Service Supervisor in Habitat 0.20.0
We recently released Habitat 0.20.0, which introduced two new features: Scaffolding and Multi-Service Supervisor. These features continue to make it easy to build, deploy, and manage your applications with Habitat. (For a more in-depth look at Multi-Service Supervisors you can read this blog post.
Multi-Service Supervision in Habitat
Those of you that have been following along with our regular Habitat release cadence might have noticed a couple of pretty big features dropped last week with version 0.20.0. In fact, one of those features was a breaking change to the way the supervisor functions.