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We’re happy to announce that Icinga is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the Icinga2 Cookbook which allows you to install and configure Icinga2 and the corresponding web interface Icingaweb2. Icinga2 Icinga2 is an open-source tool for monitoring and metric collection. Its configuration is object based and rule-driven.

JJ Asghar

This post was originally published by Matt Wrock on his blog, “Hurry Up and Wait: Tales from an automation engineer.” This week Microsoft launched the release of Windows Server 2016 along with its ultra light headless deployment option – Nano Server.

Matt Wrock

Chef has a long history of collaborating with Microsoft Corp. to help enterprise organizations migrate to the cloud and automate Microsoft Azure environments. We’re proud of all we’ve accomplished together and excited about what’s next. This week we have a large Chef team on the ground at Microsoft Ignite.

Lucas Welch

Velocity needs control to be successful. As DevOps delivers high-velocity, high-performing digital transformation for business, there is increased focus on the need for security and compliance capabilities to match. Balancing these two seemingly contradictory demands – velocity and control – is difficult. We’re excited that our launch of InSpec 1.

Ken Cheney

One year ago, we released InSpec, an open-source project for infrastructure and test automation that helps companies incorporate compliance into their deployment pipelines. Today, after 70 releases, and with a great development community to support us, we are proud to announce InSpec 1.0 and the launch of

Dominik Richter

We were delighted to attend and sponsor the first annual RustConf in Portland, OR on September 10th. Friday before the conference, we held a Habitat Meetup where we talked about the technical details of Habitat development. It was fun meeting and talking with fellow Rustaceans for two days.

Salim Alam

The Event Chef was a proud sponsor of CoDe conference on the 13th September at the Marriott Copenhagen. The event was organised by Chef partner Praqma, and they did an amazing job! It was a sold out event with a great lineup of speakers ranging from software engineers to a professor from the local University.

Joe Gardiner

In the great state of Texas we are lucky enough to have a couple DevOpsDays. This year, Chef was a Platinum Sponsor at the first ever DevOpsDays Dallas on September 15th and 16th. We had Michael Hedgpeth emceeing our maiden voyage.

JJ Asghar

On September 14th I presented a live webinar on The Ruby Behind Chef. There is quite a bit of Ruby behind Chef and it is rather complex. Watch the recording below to hear me explain core Ruby topics by creating our own version of Chef: T-Rex Chef.

Franklin Webber