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Prepare for New Chef Infra Client Releases with Cookstyle

Mar 13, 2021, 19:37 PM
Title : Prepare for New Chef Infra Client Releases with Cookstyle
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Driving value in today’s agile world is all about constant improvement. Those that lead their industries recognize the areas of their business where “good enough” is no longer good enough and put a plan in place to change. Automation is no different. Unmanaged automation can become bloated, brittle, and hard to maintain. But the good news is getting and keeping your automation in shape doesn’t have to be hard – a little effort goes a long way!

In this quickfire webinar series, legendary Chef community contributor Tim Smith will cover a series of topics targeted to help you get your Chef automation in its best shape ever! This webinar series will offer something for everyone, from the most seasoned contributors to the newest Chefs. If you’re looking to get your automation in shape and get more out of your existing Chef investments, watch this on-demand webinar today.

Spoiler alert! A few of the topics covered include:

products :
  • Chef Infra
solutions :
  • Configuration Management
industries :
contenttypes : Webinar
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