Latest Stories
Management Console 2.2.0 Security Release
Manage 2.2.0 is now available from the Chef downloads site. Manage 2.2.0 is a security release to address a number of CVEs in OpenSSL, curl, Rails and Redis. It is recommended that all users of the Chef Management Console upgrade. The full change log is available here: https://manage.chef.
Chef Compliance 0.15.2 release
UPDATE: We’ve identified a bug that requires the users to login using the Full name previously provided during the `/#/setup` mode. We are going to release a new package to rectify this soon. Chef Compliance 0.15.2 is now available from the Chef downloads site.
IBM Power Systems and Chef
Benoît Créau is a UNIX systems engineer and IBM Champion for Power Systems. He’s currently employed at a large bank and he’s an active blogger and speaker. Benoît has posted several presentations and blog posts on how to use Power Systems more effectively and how to manage Power System environments with Chef.
Watch: Test Driven Cookbook Development
On February 24th I presented a live webinar on Test Driven Cookbook Development. Watch the recording below to hear me explain what unit and integration tests are and how they apply to the domain of cookbook development. You’ll see me demonstrate how to build cookbooks by using a test-driven approach.
Chef and OpenSSL Security Advisory 1 March 2016
On March 1, 2016, the OpenSSL team released a new high severity security advisory. Simultaneously, the OpenSSL team also made available new versions of the OpenSSL code containing fixes for the vulnerabilities described in this advisory.
Chef Supermarket Outage Post Mortem
On Thursday, February 26, we had an outage for downloading cookbooks from Supermarket via Berkshelf. The next day, February 27, we held a public post mortem. If you’d like to see the video of the post mortem, you can view it on Youtube here.
Chef Compliance 0.14.5 release
Chef Compliance 0.14.5 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This is a minor release update which is recommended for all users of Chef Compliance. It is available now through the downloads page. Some highlights of this release are: * Add auditd_rules support for new syntax (v2.3) and add filters.
6 Reasons to Submit a Talk for ChefConf 2016
Whether you’ve attended yourself, or have been told by a friend, you know ChefConf is rad. What makes it even better? Presenting. Give back to the Community you love, help others overcome challenges, get feedback and validation for your ideas, heck, do it for the glory.
Chef Board of Governance Meeting
Thursday, Feb 11, 2016 marked the first meeting of the Chef Board of Governance (CBGB) in San Francisco. In attendance were 11 of the members of the board, as well as Nathen Harvey and Thom May from Chef Software to observe and advise as the leads of the community teams at Chef Software.