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Ohai Chefs, We’re pleased to announce that today we’ve released Chef Server 12.4.1. This is a patch to fix upgrades from Chef Server 11 to Chef Server 12.4. To see the full list of changes, visit the changelog. The release can be downloaded at

David McCown

An article I wrote with Jez Humble, “The Core Belief Keeping Marginalized Groups Out of Tech,” is available online in Model View Culture [link]. I think it’s an interesting look at some recent trends about what keeps marginalized groups out of tech.

Nicole Forsgren

On Tuesday, February 2nd, I co-presented a live webinar on the Chef DevOps Journey Assessment or DOJO with Thomas Enochs, VP Customer Success. The DOJO is an exercise Chef developed to help companies get better results from their DevOps adoption.

Justin Redd

If you’ve been to ChefConf before, you know it’s not your typical tech conference. If you haven’t, this is your year. Our annual get together is like a huge family reunion open to everyone that celebrates a vibrant and passionate community of revolutionaries, game-changers, and disruptors.

Nathen Harvey

Chef Compliance 0.10.4 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This is a minor release update which is recommended for all users of Chef Compliance. As you may have noticed, we changed our version scheme. From now on, we bump a minor version whenever we release a new feature, patch version indicate bug fixes.


Recently, VMware announced the general availability of their VMware vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) plugin for Chef (formerly vCenter Orchestrator). This plugin offers a number of vRO workflows for interacting with the Chef Server (such as modifying nodes and environments) and bootstrapping new nodes with support for both Linux and Windows nodes.

Adam Leff

Hosted Chef Reporting API Increased Error Rates On January 29th from 07:17 – 15:00 UTC, users may have seen 404 errors being logged at the end of successful chef-client runs as the client attempted to send a run report to Hosted Chef’s reporting service.


We are pleased to announce that Chef Analytics 1.2.1 is now available from This release contains a few minor bug fixes and a security update. We have updated the version of Ruby on Rails for the Analytics UI to fix a number of posted CVEs.


On January 28th, 2016, the OpenSSL team released a new high severity security advisory. Simultaneous to the publication of this new high severity security advisory, the OpenSSL team also made available new versions of the OpenSSL code containing fixes for the vulnerabilities described in these advisories.