Latest Stories
Chef Management Console 1.11.0 Release
Manage 1.11.0 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This release includes fixes for reporting dashboard errors, changes to make running Manage behind a load balancer more usable, and various other bug fixes and improvements. As always you can see the public changelog on hosted Chef at
Chef Server 12.0.5 Released
Today we have released Chef Server 12.0.5. This release includes further updates to provide API support for key rotation, policy file updates, and LDAP-related fixes to user update. You can find installers on our downloads site. ## Updating Users This release fixes Issue 66.
Bento Box Update for CentOS and Fedora
This is not urgent, but you may encounter SSL verification errors when using vagrant directly, or vagrant through test kitchen. Special Thanks to Joe Damato of Package Cloud for spending his time debugging this issue with me the other day.
ChefConf Talk Spotlight: A sobering journey from Parse / Facebook
We’re five weeks away from ChefConf 2015 and we’re filling seats fast, so, if you haven’t already, register today and guarantee your seat at the epicenter of DevOps.
Pauly Comtois: My DevOps Story (Pt. 3)
This post concludes our bi-weekly blog series on Awesome Chef Paul Comtois’ DevOps Story. You can read the final part below, while part one is here and part two is here. Thank you to Pauly for sharing his tale with us!
IBM InterConnect and Chef
This week our friends at IBM are hosting their InterConnect 2015 conference and we’re pleased to announce expanding (and existing) support for a wide variety of their products. IBM is synonymous with the Enterprise and they have embraced Chef in a big way.
Chef and Microsoft to Bring Further Automation and Management Practices to the Enterprise
New Agreement Empowers Enterprises to Automate Workloads Across On-Premises Data Centers and Microsoft Azure to Become Fast, Efficient, and Innovative Software-Driven Organizations SEATTLE – Feb 23, 2015 – Today it was announced that Chef and Microsoft Azure have joined forces to provide global enterprises with the automation platform and DevOps practices that increase business velocity […]
Chef Server 12.0.4 Released
Today we released Chef Server 12.0.4. This release includes cookbook caching, continued development of the key rotation feature, and some LDAP improvements. ## Cookbook Caching Cookbook caching lets you serve up cookbook resources to Chef clients faster by keeping those resources cached by more efficient servers.
Cookbook Caching
If you’re configuring cookbook s3 URL TTL in your `chef-server.rb` configuration file (`opscode_erchef[‘s3_url_ttl’]`), then you’ve been creating cookbook URLs that expire that many (28800 by default) seconds from “now” (i.e. the time of the request), which is great for Chef Client runs, but it’s terrible for caching!