Latest Stories
Standard Bank: Our DevOps Journey (part 3)
This is the third entry in our ongoing, bi-weekly series examining our customer Standard Bank’s DevOps journey. You can read the first entry here, the second post here, and continue below for part three.
ChefConf Talk Spotlight: Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers from Pets to Cattle, Now with More Containers
Continuing our ongoing blog series highlighting all the fantastic talks, workshops, and sponsors at ChefConf 2015, today we’re focusing on our friend John Byrne from Scholastic and his talk, “Scholastic’s Tech Transformation: Taking Servers from Pets to Cattle, Now with More Containers”.
Chef-12 Dynamic Resource and Provider Resolution
Background In Chef 12 the old Chef::Platform hashmap located in `lib/chef/platform/provider_mapping.rb` has been deprecated. In its place is a dynamic provider and resolver resolution mechanism which is preferred and which can be manipulated via DSL methods on the resource and provider.
Quick Tip: Create a Provisioner Node
This post originally appeared on jtimberman’s Code Blog. This quick tip is brought to you by my preparation for my ChefConf talk about using Chef Provisioning to build a Chef Server Cluster, which is based on my blog post about the same.
Our mailing lists have [not] moved!
UPDATE After a few hours on the new mailing list we ran into issues with rate limiting. We’re working to get those resolved but, in the meantime, please continue to use the old mailing lists. **Chef Users** * * **Chef Developers** * * http://lists.opscode.
Partner Spotlight: Booz Allen Hamilton Project Jellyfish 2.0
Project Jellyfish 2.0: The Next Step for Cloud Brokering Last year was a big one for Booz Allen’s cloud broker team.
ChefConf Sponsor Spotlight: Careers
Continuing our series of posts about the tremendous sessions, workshop, and sponsors at ChefConf 2015, this blog is dedicated to the many career opportunities you can explore at ChefConf, including those at two of our sponsors – Target and Disney.
Pauly Comtois: My DevOps Story (Pt. 2)
This post continues our bi-weekly blog series on Awesome Chef Paul Comtois’ DevOps Story. You can read part two in this series below, while part one is here. Context: Pauly Comtois is the VP of DevOps at Hearst Business Media. Before that, he was Chef’s own VP of IT Operations.