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Our new address is 1008 Western Ave, Suite #600, Seattle, WA 98104 View Opscode HQ in a larger map

Jesse Robbins

Peek makes a simple mobile device that sends & receives unlimited email (& SMS, twitter, facebook, and more) from anywhere in the US for a low monthly fee. It’s kind of like an email-only Blackberry, and is super cool. The Peek is becoming quite popular & they are continuing to grow in EC2.

Jesse Robbins

Opscode Lightning Talk – Operations as Code View more presentations from botchagalupe.


We have published new Amazon EC2 AMIs for Ubuntu 9.10 with Chef 0.8.10. The identifiers are: ami-69987600 (32bit) ami-6b987602 (64bit) We have created a wiki page with instructions on how to utilize these AMIs. That page will be updated with new identifiers corresponding to new Chef releases.

Joshua Timberman

Chef Fundamentals (3 Days) Chef Fundamentals is a three-day comprehensive class covering the basic architecture of Chef and all of the underlying components. We will be covering installation basics of Chef Client and Chef Solo. Other topics will include: creating Chef repositories, creating cookbooks and advanced using of the new command line utility called Knife.


Chef 0.8.10 is upon us. The big news for this release is we updated the version dependencies, so that Merb 1.0.15 is installed. As we upgrade the Chef Server to support Merb 1.1.0, we’ll be updating this version dependency as well (there is a great reason – Ruby 1.9 support!

Jesse Robbins

Joshua Timberman, Sr Solutions Engineer, will be presenting Chef at the Linux Open Administration Days in Antwerp Belgium on Saturday April 10th. This is the first time Opscode will be doing a product presentation in Europe. Wish Josh luck on #chef on IRC or @jtimberman .


3 Questions with Jesse Robbins at Cloud Connect 2010 from on Vimeo. We play a round of “3 Questions” with Damon Edwards at Cloud Connect in San Jose on March 17, 2010. What brought you to Cloud Connect? What aspect of Clouds currently excites you?

Jesse Robbins

Rachel Chalmers , Research Director at the 451 Group , recently profiled Opscode , saying: “In mid-January, Chef celebrated its first birthday. Opscode, the commercial backer of the project, was understandably pleased with its accomplishments.

Jesse Robbins