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A mere day and some change behind Chef 0.8.2 comes the piping hot Chef 0.8.4! This releases MVP is Tollef Fog Heen, who realized that the validation and web-ui keys were being created with an insecure file permission.

Adam Jacob

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the entire Chef community, I’m proud to announce the release of Chef 0.8.2.


Welcome to Ohai version 0.4.0! Your MVPs for this release are Mark Giammarco for adding SuSE support, and Jan Zimmek for adding ArchLinux support. Thanks, guys! In addition, this version fixes a compatibility issue with the latest version of the JSON gem.

Adam Jacob
Jesse Robbins

Great write up from Chris Curtin ( “Chris’ Tech Blog” ) on last nights Atlanta Cloud Meetup (AWSome). Josh Timberman gave a Chef and the Cloud presentation. It was the largest turnout in "AWSome’s two year history. Great job Josh.


Somewhere in a land a long time ago, there was this steel factory in the heartland of Pennsylvania. In this steel factory there was a bulletin board on a factory floor room, and on the board were two large posters.


30-Year Systems Management Luminary to Lead Services Division of Fast Growing Infrastructure Automation Start-Up SEATTLE, WA—(Marketwire – February 3, 2010) – Opscode, Inc., a cloud infrastructure automation company, today announced the appointment of John Willis as the company’s new Vice President of Training & Services.

Jesse Robbins

The cloud has lowered the barrier to entry for businesses to own a data center; however, it has not decreased the complexity of managing applications and data center operations.


The week of February 8th Opscode will be having some fun in Atlanta. Josh Timberman @jtimberman, one of the Opscode senior engineers, will be in Atalanta to do some work with Chef community in Atlanta. Here are some of the highlights for that week.